Spanish Pavilion – EXPO 2020

We engineered and manufactured every single component of the Spanish Pavilion at EXPO2020 Dubai. From the tree of equilibrium to the 142 columns and bushes, adapting structural and lighting constraints to a new design-to-manufacturing workflow.
The whole project represents a built manifesto merging computation, advanced manufacturing, and material technology, shaping a new ecology triggered by PURE.TECH During the construction we didn’t have to repeat a single piece, a big explanation on how much 3D printing can define a new construction protocol.
Almost 1500 pieces printed, manufactured and engineered in less than 4 months of continuous production, without having to repeat a single piece: explanation on how much 3D printing can define a new construction protocol as well as a new design to manufacturing workflow.
Project credits
Design: External Reference & Onionlab
3D Printing: LAMÁQUINA
Material Technology: PURE.TECH
3D Printing Partner: Lowpoly
Technical Partner: 3D Wasp
Photos by: adriagoulaphoto & aaaleix.